All dental procedures performed within our project will be done on a western level. We will not be tempted to carry out interventions that, under similar circumstances, would also not be done in the Netherlands. In case of larger and more invasive procedures, patients are referred to our dental clinic within the Mwatate Sub District Hospital.
Also regarding hygiene no concessions are made. Regarding sterilization, the same criteria applies as in Dutch dentist clinics. We make use of vacuum assisted sterilization.
Hygiene in and around the mobile clinics are under a strict regime, same as in western clinics. With regard to waste disposal, we also follow western regulations. During the whole project extra consideration is taken to keep the waste stream as low as possible. We opted for digital X-ray equipment, in order to prevent heavy chemical waste. Wastewater from the units is collected in dirt-water tanks, and after a dental clinic, discharged into a special waste container at the hospital. The same applies of course to all our disposables and needles.
All our work:
- Is done according to the regulations set up by Ministry of Health in Kenya
- Goes hand in hand with educators and students from the University of Nairobi
- Is free of charge for our patients
- Starts with education for better oral health